China and Korea are important trade partners. Many Korean companies have long entered or purchased goods from Chinese market.In this process, their brands have also come into the sight of trademark squatters. One of Mingdun’s client, ICONIX,a reputable Korean brand has its trademark squattered in China by its Chinese vendor in 32 categories of 'beer, beverages, etc.'. However, sincetheydid not work with each other directly but through many intermediaries, the evidence was of low probative value and the client’s previous actions against the squattered trademark were lost in CNIPA a...
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MINGDUN HELPED WORLD’S FINEST OPTICAL FILTER MANUFACTURE WINNING BACK .COM DOMAIN NAME In December, an arbitration panel in CIETAC, the subsidiary of ADNRDC in China, ruled Hangzhou Keluoma, an optical accessory retailer to transfer domain name to Chroma Technology Corp. (Chroma Tech), manufacture of world’s finest optical filter. A panel of three tried the dispute according to UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) and decided is confusingly similar to trademark ”Chroma” which Chroma Tech owns in China and in countries around the world; Hang...
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